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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Detroit - Testi - TrovaCd
Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Getaway




17 giugno 2016

Pop Rock









5 giorni dall'ordine


€ 10,60


9.  Detroit

Find me in the suburbs and
The shadow of decay
Rolling rings of rubber and
The band begins to play

Am I on the right side of the left side of your brain
Can you see the rising of old yesterday's remains
Funkadelic said it best I think you know the rest
Time don't stand a chance against this motor madness

Don't you worry baby I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy
Don't you worry baby I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy
Don't you worry baby I'm like

The Stooges and J Dilla, yeah
They tore this town apart
Put me back together, well
I guess that's quite an art

Henry won the war you see
But not with pen or sword
He did it with the little thing I think it's called a Ford

Funkadelic said it best I think you know the rest
Time don't stand a chance against this motor madness

Don't you worry baby I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy
Don't you worry baby I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy
Don't you worry baby I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy

Everything's so hazy I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy I'm like
Detroit, I'm crazy
Everything's so hazy

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