Cure - Bananafishbones - Testi - TrovaCd

Cure - Bananafishbones

[Verse 1]
Curl into a ball like you have more fun
Oh, that would make it faster
Why do you do it, do you do it, do you act like you
Why do you do it, do you act like you

[Verse 2]
Don't fight, go red and blue and black and white
And sell this, sell this or leave it senseless like a suck on a gun
Put a piece of metal in your head, you said
And make you dead, make you hippa, hippa, hippa, hippa

[Verse 3]
A palace of stones of your bananafish bones
I'll buy you a hundred years old
To celebrate our difference, theorise and talk yourself
Until you're tired and old

[Verse 4]
Disappear everywhere and watch me
Pull my lips apart
Exploit, inspire, encourage
Be responsible for this, ha ha

I don't think, I don't think
I make use of all this time
Oh, kill me, kiss me once, and then we'll throw it away
And then we'll throw it away

[Verse 1]
Curl into a ball like you have more fun
Oh, that would make it faster
Why do you do it, do you do it, do you act like you
Why do you do it, do you act like you

[Verse 2]
Don't fight, go red and blue and black and white
And sell this, sell this or leave it senseless like a suck on a gun
Put a piece of metal in your head, you said
And make you dead, make you hippa, hippa, hippa, hippa

I don't think, I don't think
I make use of all this time
Oh, kill me, kiss me once, and then we'll throw it away
And then we'll throw it away

And tell me about the games you play
Oh, turn off the lights
And tell me about the games you play

I testi delle canzoni sono proprietà dei rispettivi autori. Ai sensi dell‘articolo 70, comma 1, Legge 633/41, si fa presente che la citazione o la riproduzione di parti di testo e la loro comunicazione al pubblico, sono effettuati per un uso non commerciale e non sono in concorrenza all‘utilizzazione economica dell‘opera del legittimo autore. Il testo della canzone può essere rimosso dal sito previa segnalazione dell‘autore/editore che neghi il consenso alla pubblicazione.

(rsd 2024 - picture disc - limited edition)
20 aprile 2024
anno: 1984
vinile  € 35,00
disponibile (2) in negozio

Disponibile su Google Play

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