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Pearl Jam - Won’t Tell - Testi - TrovaCd
Pearl Jam - Dark Matter





19 aprile 2024

Hard Rock


Republic Records








in negozio


€ 22,90


5.  Won’t Tell

[Verse 1]
Her eyes were soft and sympathized
A vision so uncompromised floated in
As she pulled the book up off the shelf
Her dressing gown and nothing else but a secret grin
And I always had one question
Free of all suggestion
Do I say or keep it in

You can find me here
Waiting for your message to come
Can you heal? Can you feel
The chains in my heart
Waiting for a message to come
Can you heal? Can you feel
The change in my heart

In my heart

[Verse 2]
She laid the book upon the desk
Opened to the page I asked, "Could that be the one "
As she smiled and played a minor chord
In a key I never heard before, one song and it was done

You can find me here
Waiting for your message to come
Can you heal? Can you feel
The chains in my heart
Waiting for a message to come
Can you heal? Can you feel
The change in my heart

Oh, I'd open the door, I'd let you in
I would open it if you came
But if it's not you knocking
It's staying closed
Oh, I'd open the door, shed all my skin
Allow for a bit of grace
For in my dream you told
Me to let the longing go
Oh, and the promise I still hold
Won't tell a soul

Can you feel
Can you heal
Can you feel
The change in my heart
Can you feel
Can you heal
Can you feel
Can you heal

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