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Lenny Kravitz - The pleasure and the pain - Letras - TrovaCd (Español)
Lenny Kravitz - Strut




23 septiembre 2014

Pop Rock









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€ 18,60


5.  The Pleasure and the Pain

Is been a while since you go around
I missed you so, you know you broke me down
I was ready to give you one more try
Play on,
While you gone, I try to melt my heart
But I didn't know where to start,
I rather be with you even when we fight

I'll take you offer cuz it's all it seems
The thong and the flower, the pleasure and the pain
I climb on the mountains because you are there
I can't live without it
The pleasure and the pain

I love the way that you keep it real
You are not afraid to tell me the deal
And you told me when I'm wrong
When I'm tripping out
Cuz a man like me needs a women how will walk the wall in this worry too
But when that comes true and there is no doubt

I'll take you offer cuz it's all it seems
The thong and the flower, the pleasure and the pain
I climb on the mountains because you are there
I can't live without it
The pleasure and the pain

I think this time we can make it through
I still be me and you still be you the only difference will be that I'm ice

I'll take you offer cuz it's all it seems
The thong and the flower, the pleasure and the pain
I climb on the mountains because you are there
I can't live without it
The pleasure and the pain

I'll take you offer because it's all it seems
The thong and the flower, the pleasure and the pain
I climb on the mountains because you are gain
I can't live without it
The pleasure and the pain

I'll take you offer because it's all it seems
The thong and the flower, the pleasure and the pain
I climb on the mountains because you are gain
I can't live without it
The pleasure and the pain

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