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Midler Bette - He's sure the boy i love (duet with darlene love) - Letras - TrovaCd (Español)
Midler Bette - It's the Girls




18 noviembre 2014

Pop Rock









5 días


€ 20,10


6.  He's Sure the Boy I Love (Duet with Darlene Love)

I always dreamed the boy I loved would come along
And he'd be tall and handsome, rich and strong.
Now that boy I love has come to me,
But he sure ain't the way I thought he'd be.

He doesn't look like a movie star,
He doesn't drive a Cadillac car,
He sure ain't yhe boy I've been dreamin' of,
But he's sure the boy I love.
Let me tell ya now,
He' never be a big business man
He always buys on the installment plan
He sure ain't the boy I been dreamin' of,
But he's sure the boy I love.
When he holds me tight,
Everythings right,
Crazy as it seems,
I'm his, whatever he is,
And I forget all of my dreams,
And everybody knows...
He doesn't hang diamonds round my neck,
And all he's got's an unemployment check
He sure ain't the boy I been dreamin' of,
But he's sure the boy I love.

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