Dua Lipa - French Exit - Testi - TrovaCd

Dua Lipa - French Exit

[Verse 1]
I don't wanna stay till the lights come on
I just can't relate to the words of this love song
What's it gonna take to right all the wrongs
'Cause, right now, I can't give you what you want

Everybody's still dancin'
Everybody's holdin' hands and romancin'
Someone's gotta be the last one standin'
And I hate that I'm leaving you stranded

But I gotta hit the road
(But I gotta hit the road)

It's not a broken heart if I don't break it
"Goodbye" doesn't hurt if I don't say it
And I really hope you'll understand it
Only way to go is a French exit

French exit, filer à l'anglaise
French exit

[Verse 2]
Maybe time away will make it make sense
I'm better at a clean break than leaving doors open
I know you're gonna say I shoulda stayed till the end
But, right now, I can't give you what you want

Everybody's still dancin'
Everybody's holdin' hands and romancin'
Someone's gotta be the last one standin'
And I hate that I'm leaving you stranded

But I gotta hit the road, yeah
(Yeah, I gotta hit the road)

It's not a broken heart if I don't break it
"Goodbye" doesn't hurt if I don't say it
And I really hope you'll understand it
Only way to go is a French exit

And you know, you know, you know, you know I'm right
And it's better to do this than say goodbye
And the only, only, only fix is time
And a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely night

It's not a broken heart if I don't break it
"Goodbye" doesn't hurt if I don't say it
(You know, you know, you know, you know I'm right)
And I really hope you'll understand it
(You know, you know, you know, you know)
Only way to go is a French exit

French exit, filer à l'anglaise
French exit, c'est la seule solution
French exit
French exit

I testi delle canzoni sono proprietà dei rispettivi autori. Ai sensi dell‘articolo 70, comma 1, Legge 633/41, si fa presente che la citazione o la riproduzione di parti di testo e la loro comunicazione al pubblico, sono effettuati per un uso non commerciale e non sono in concorrenza all‘utilizzazione economica dell‘opera del legittimo autore. Il testo della canzone può essere rimosso dal sito previa segnalazione dell‘autore/editore che neghi il consenso alla pubblicazione.

Dua Lipa
(curacao blue vinyl)
3 maggio 2024
vinile  € 27,90
disponibile (1) in negozio

Disponibile su Google Play

italiano    english

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