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Counting Crows - Elvis went to hollywood - Testi - TrovaCd
Counting Crows - Somewhere Under Wonderland




16 settembre 2014

Pop Rock









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€ 15,90


6.  Elvis Went to Hollywood

November promises it seems
A book in February dreams
That don't come true
Do you remember me

I don't remember you are you the one who likes to sing
To some other one

We are driving on the ceiling
There are aliens on motorcycles
Riding on the radio
While they destroy the world

I said,oh,no,no,no
The future is sad
The news is dead
Elvis just went to Hollywood
That's when everything went wrong

So long,good bye
It tastes like wedding cakes
The sound of nursery runs
The ghosts of wreckage'
You always love the one you have no memory of

We are driving on the ceiling
There are aliens on motorcycles
Riding on the radio
While they destroy the world

I said,oh,no,no,no

The future is sad
The news is dead
Elvis just went to Hollywood
That's when everything went wrong

The guy of the night that brings the evacuation
People will scream,the movie stars and all the magazines
The basement takes somewhere far away
You have to save the strangers
The Rockies came and now we're fading

We are driving on the ceiling
There are aliens on motorcycles
Riding on the radio
While they destroy the world

I said,oh,no,no,no
The future is sad
The news is dead
Elvis just went to Hollywood
That's when everything went wrong

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