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George Harrison - The answer's at the end - Paroles - TrovaCd (Français)
George Harrison - Extra Texture




23 septembre 2014

Pop Rock









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€ 19,40


2.  The Answer's at the End

Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass
You know his faults, now let the foibles pass
Life is one long enigma, my friend
So read on, read on, the answer's at the end

Don't be so hard on the ones that you love
It's the ones that you love we think so little of
Don't be so hard on the ones that you need
It's the ones that you need we think so little of

The speech of flowers excels the flowers of speech
But what's often in your heart, is the hardest thing to reach
And life is one long mystery, my friend
So live on, live on, the answer's at the end

Don't be so hard on the ones that you love
It's the ones that you love we think so little of
Don't be so hard on the ones that you need
It's the ones that you need we think so little of

Don't be so hard on the ones that you love
It's the ones that you love we think so little of
Don't be so hard on the ones that you need
It's the ones that you need we think so little of

Oh, we think so little of the ones that we love, sometimes
Isn't it a pity how we hurt
The ones that we love the most of all
The ones we shouldn't hurt at all

You know my faults, now let the foibles pass
'Cause life is one long enigma, my friend
Live on, live on, the answer's at the end

Don't be so hard on the ones that you love
It's the ones that you love we think so little of
Don't be so hard on the ones that you need
It's the ones that you need we think so little of

Don't be so hard on the ones that you love
It's the ones that you love we think so little of
Don't be so hard on the ones that you need
It's the ones that you need we think so little of

The ones that we love
We hurt the most of all, sometimes
And isn't it a pity how
We hurt the ones that we love (fade)

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